
Emergencies happen.

There may be a time when you might be affected by an emergency but your life is not in immediate danger. During such a time, you will need to know how to help yourself and those around you.

The Parish Council has drawn up this plan to help deal with a major incident which may occur in the future.
‘By becoming more resilient, you and your community can complement the work of local emergency responders and reduce the impact of an emergency on your community both in the short and long term.

Objectives of this Emergency Procedure Plan:

• To establish a community emergency co-ordinators’ team that will coordinate the community response and liaise with the emergency services / local authorities as appropriate.
• To identify actions required to minimise the harm from identified hazards or threats.
• To establish a means of identifying vulnerable people in the community with a view to supporting them in an emergency.
• To identify resources in the community that would be available to minimise the severity of the emergency.
• To establish key contact details for the emergency services and local authorities, the Local Community Emergency Co-ordinators and key community resources.In the event of a major incident in or near the parish, Quainton’s Community

View the Emergency Procedure Plan

Click Here

Emergency Co-ordinators will activate the Plan after contacting the appropriate authorities:

Police Fire Ambulance: 999

Thames Valley Fire Control:

General Enquiries: 01296 744400

BCC Resilience Officer: 01296 382693

Out of office hours phone Thames Valley Fire Control and an officer will be paged

AVDC’S duty officer: 07785 705766